1586. Mary Stuart refuse de répondre aux hommes de la reine Elizabeth
Clélia Nicolai
1586. Mary Stuart refuse de répondre aux hommes de la reine Elizabeth
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France
anglais 124, fol. 1v
From 1586 To 1630
June 10, 2023, 4:55 p.m.
July 9, 2023, 2:13 p.m.
Copie postérieure sans date.
Développer les abréviations entre parenthèses. Distinguer selon l'usage moderne ‘i’ et ‘u’ voyelles, ‘j’ et ‘v’ consonnes. Employer les majuscules selon les règles modernes. Transcrire la note tironienne “et” par “&”. Transcrire ‘y’ + ‘e’ suscrit comme une abréviation: ‘(th)e’.
Expand abbreviations in brackets. Use ‘i’ and ‘u’ (vowels), ‘j’ and ‘v’ (consonants) according to current usage. Apply modern capitalisation. Transcribe ‘y’ + superscript ‘e’ as an abbreviation: ‘(th)e’.
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The examination of Mary Queene of Sotts [sic] lyinge at the castell of Fothringhay, by (th)e Lords of her Ma(jes)tie’s most honourable Privie Councell, and other commissioners appointed for that purpose, for the hearinge of 7 June, Anno D(omi)ni 1586. Uppon Wednesday (th)e 12 of October 1586. The Lords commissioners for the hearinge of the Scottish Queene came to the castell of Fotheringhay in the county of Northampton about nine of the clocke in (th)e morninge; at which time in the cappell of (th)e sayd castell, the Deane of Peterboroughe preached before them, and from thence they sent S(i)r Walter Mildmaye and S(i)r Amyas Pawlett, governour of (th)e house, into (th)e Scottish Queene to know whether she would appeare or not. There was delivered a l(ett)re from her Ma(jes)tie unto her to that effect; after which som(m)ons she refused to appeare, and soe stood all that day beinge often times required thereunto by some of (th)e commissioners sent in unto her.
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