Lisez d'abord sans l'aide du curseur pour distinguer les mots : la seule difficulté est ici la "scriptio continua”, où les rares blancs servent de "ponctuation” entre phrases ou entre membres de phrase.
Les mots écrits en capitales ont été transcrits de même. Résoudre les abréviations entre parenthèses. Normaliser les majuscules. Distinguer u voyelle et v consonne.
Start by reading without using your mouse to visualise word separation. The only difficulty here is the use of "scriptio continua”, with few blank spaces used as "punctuation” between sentences or parts of sentences.
Words written in capitals have been transcribed as such. Expand abbreviations in brackets. Use modern capitalisation. Differentiate u (vowel) and v (consonant).
Coll(ectio) post prophetia
potens D(eu)s, qui cornu
salutis nostrae in cru-
cis tuae mysterium ex-
tulisti, ut nos in domo David
pueri tui regali fastigio
sublimaris; in quo etiam
trifario titulo Trinitatis
nobis unitas manifestata
clariscens ostenditur.
Draw a rectangle directly on the document image to show the part of the image to transcribe (e.g. draw a rectangle around a character or word).
To begin drawing click in the top left corner of the part and drag your cursor to the bottom right corner of the part. If you make a mistake simply start drawing the rectangle again (the old rectangle will be automatically deleted).